Do you dream of an abode with brand new home decor or do you think you’d like to retain some items of sentimental value? Would you prefer moving into a home with everything chosen by a designer or do you want to handpick everything and decorate it with things you love?

home decor curated vs decorated
The distinction in choice is in essence, the difference between curated and decorated interiors. We take you through the challenges and benefits of both styles so that you can make an informed choice about your dream home interiors.

Curated Interiors

home decor curated vs decorated home decor curated vs decorated home decor curated vs decorated

When you design your home by picking out furniture, mixing it with pieces you already own, design the decor according to your taste and then assemble the collection in your home, you are curating the interiors. The scope of curated home decor is vast as your home speaks volumes about your personality and it also adds an emotional angle to it.

Styles that Fit: You may wonder if your curated home can fit into a specific design theme. It all depends on your taste. You can choose from contemporary to traditional themes and work along those lines. However, if you have a unique taste, Bohemian interiors can work well. If none of these falls in place, you always can seek shelter under the maximalist decor and dress your home with all your collectibles, or keep it simple with a minimalist sensibility.

Works for: People who have a keen eye for design, collecting curios and trinkets during their travels.

Decorated Interiors

home decor curated vs decorated home decor curated vs decorated home decor curated vs decorated

To put it plainly, decorating your home based on a theme or colour and adding furniture and decor taking inspiration from the mood board. You can hire a designer or use Pinterest for reference while designing your home.

Styles that fit: Any home decor style can fit perfectly in decorated interiors. You won’t have to break your head on what suits where, as you have the whole look predetermined. Take professional help for a hassle-free experience.

Works for: People who love to have theme-based homes and a designer touch to their home. It also works perfectly for the working class who don’t have time to spare but still want picture-perfect interiors.

The Final Verdict

home decor curated vs decorated home decor curated vs decorated

For a personalised touch, you can always opt for a curated look. It can make your home cosy and comforting, becoming a perfect retreat after a stressful day. Surround yourself with happy memories and experiences. We’re sure you’ll feel great when people compliment on how your home looks. There is always scope for more with all new collectibles you accrue.

However, if your dream interiors resemble those in decor magazines, then decorated interiors is the right option for you. Your storage solutions would be customised, everything would have a definite place and you wouldn’t have to struggle with finding the right spot or mismatched interiors. Even if you have to buy something new, you would know what fits in perfectly.

Now that you know what the difference between curated vs decorated is, you can make an informed choice. However, you can always have best of both worlds if your interior designer finds a way to fit in all your curios in a specific style. If you love curated interiors, you should check this article on maximalist style interiors.
