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All posts for tag: decorate

Cover 31

How to Decorate Your Aquarium

Using fish-friendly ways.

kitchen decor

6 Spots For Displaying Art In Your Kitchen

Add colour and finesse to your kitchen by displaying art in it! Here are 6 perfect spots which can feature your art collection.

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5 Tips To Create A Comfortable Guest Room

We grow up watching parents and elders treat guests with gracious hospitality. Therefore, when it’s our turn to host guests, it feels natural to treat them to a comfortable stay in our homes. Here are five simple tips to make their stay a memorable one.

Indian TV serials

Five Indian TV Serials To Watch For Decor Inspiration

Indian TV serials don’t usually spring to mind when you think of sources of decor inspiration. However, since TV series inspired clothes are such a big hit among the masses, it’s only natural to assume that viewers are paying attention to the sets as well. Here are our top 5 picks.

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Decor Inspiration : Show Your Balcony Some Love

You may have noticed, how your balcony calls to you when you want a moment’s respite from the monotony of home chores or when you want to zone out for a while without leaving the sweet comfort of your home. Here are seven creative tips that will transform your balcony into an incredibly inviting space:

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