Who doesn’t love the satisfaction of a clean home? The journey to it, not so much! Cleaning days are often postponed, especially by self-proclaimed lazy people who feel it’s an overwhelming amount of work– until now, that is. We’ve put together a few reliable cleaning tips for lazy people that are guaranteed to leave you with a clean home, without breaking a sweat.

Cleaning Tips for Lazy People #1: One Day, One Task
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Simple chores like folding laundry

The worst part about not cleaning up often is the day the chores come piling up. Hence, avoid that by performing one chore, each day. Pick up simple chores like dusting, clearing the dustbins and doing the laundry and fit them into your everyday schedule. Therefore, by sparing 10 to 15 minutes a day, you’re more likely to avoid a weekend pile-up and you’ll find your home looking a lot cleaner with minimal effort.

Cleaning Tips for Lazy People #2: Multi-task All Day, Everyday
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Cooking and cleaning process

If you find it terribly boring to focus on one menial chore, consider using the time to multi-task. This could mean anything from cleaning up the dishes as you’re done cooking in them, to listening to a podcast while mopping down the house. With your mind more focused on interesting things, you’re less likely to feel bored and, before you know it, your dusty floor is sparkling clean!

Cleaning Tips for Lazy People #3: Water and Lemon in Your Microwave
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 Lemon juice can do wonders

This isn’t some strange new social media challenge– it’s one of the more clever tips for lazy people. If you’re dealing with a scrummy microwave, consider adding some freshly-squeezed lemon juice into a glass bowl full of water. Subsequently, put it in the microwave on high power for about three minutes. The water bursts out of the bowl, soaking the interior of the microwave– just wipe it down with a soft cloth after 5 minutes and you’re all set.

Cleaning Tips for Lazy People #4: A Place for Everything
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Everything in its designated place

It’s an age-old saying and one of the best cleaning tips. Have a designated spot for everything, from your coat to the book you’re reading. Moreover, the second you’re done with the item, put it back in its place– you won’t need to grumble and pick it up at a later point. Therefore, the more you get used to returning things to their rightful places after use, the more you’ll do the chore automatically, which means it’ll stop being a chore!

Cleaning Tips for Lazy People #5: Make it a Party
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Better with help hands

Have a ton of chores that you can’t bring yourself to do alone? Make a party out of it! Consequently, consider calling a few close friends or your siblings to help you out with your chores. Be it dusting the house down or tackling piles of laundry. This way, you’ll transform a set of insanely boring tasks into quality time with a good friend, and you can have that glass of vino as a reward, too.

Granted, these tips won’t make your entire list of chores disappear. However, we’re sure you’ll save a lot of time and energy for days you don’t feel like doing anything.

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