Be it a 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK or more, maintaining a clean and hygienic home is a must. Scrub your way into a clean and happy home with our tried and tested cleaning tips for every room. From cleaning chimneys to removing stains from sofas, our home-keeping tips will help you streamline your approach on how to clean house. Keep this handy guide as you work on your cleaning skills and check out our exhaustive list to be sure you don’t miss a spot!

What you will discover as you read on:

  • Basics of Home Cleaning
  • Right Way to Sanitise Your Home
  • Home-made Cleaning Solutions
  • Kitchen Cleaning Guide
  • Tips on Maintaining Furniture
  • New Ways to Clean Bedding
  • Efficient Ways to Clean a Bathroom
  • Cleaning Tips for a Pooja Room
  • Garden Cleaning Tips
  • Ways to Clean Materials
  • Home Cleaning Tips for Different Personalities

How to Clean House Tip #1:Start With the Basics

How Often Should You Clean?

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Wiping down the counter and taps is a daily task

There are certain basic cleaning chores that need to be done daily, other things can be done weekly or monthly. Remember, not everything requires deep cleaning frequently.

Doing the dishes, wiping the kitchen counters, wiping bathroom surfaces and cleaning sinks and bowls acts as a daily chore. Whereas, cleaning microwaves, bedding, mirrors, computers and dusting furniture is a weekly activity. Furthermore, monthly cleaning includes clearing out your fridge, wiping light fixtures, blinds, fans and washing machines. Lastly, seasonal cleaning is done during a festival or work that requires plenty of effort such as, moving out furniture to clean. Here, we’ve sorted it out and made an easy checklist for you to follow. Take a look at: How Often Should You Clean Everything?

What Should You Clean Everyday?

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Folding clothes should be a daily task

Here we learn that making your bed first thing in the morning is a productive way to start the day. Moving on to sorting clothes, every piece of clothing has a place of its own. So, make sure to return it to its place. Wiping surfaces regularly is an important task in order to avoid a layer of dust from accumulating. Keeping shoes outside the home prevents dirt from being dragged into the house. Subsequently, doing dishes immediately is better than doing a stinky pile at the end of the week. Try not to skimp out on those daily chores! Here’s a comprehensive list of 7 Everyday Tips For A Clean Home.

Have You Cleaned These Spots Yet?

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Always clean remotes since they are used on a daily basis

These are spots that, regardless of how much you clean, still hold on to a layer of dirt. For example, door handles and knobs that are hotspots for bacteria. Or, remote controls that should be wipes with an alcohol-based disinfectant. Here are 5 Overlooked Spots You Should Clean NOW. They are the dirtiest spots in your home and – more importantly – home cleaning tips to tackle them for a clean house.

Cleaning Under 10 Minutes or Less

Quick and easy cleaning tips

If you’re someone who gets a little sloppy with home cleaning and organising, then sudden guests are definitely a nightmare. But, help is here! You can learn how to hide your clutter in a wicker basket or stash it up and disguise them in 10 minutes or less! Take a look at Cleaning Genie: Quick House Cleanup Guide!

How to Clean House Tip #2: Right Way to Sanitise Your Home

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Sanitise every nook and corner the right way

One of the many measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 measures is staying indoors and avoiding unnecessary contact with people, as you all know. But as you’re working from home or keeping children indoors, have you thought about how sanitary your own home is? If you haven’t, we have. We did in-depth research to put together WHO & Other Experts Recommend These Steps to Clean Your Home.

How to Clean House Tip #3: Home-made Cleaning Solutions

Make Simple Cleaning Solutions

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Safe and easy home cleaning solutions

There’s an easy way to avoid bringing in harsh chemicals into your home cleaning process. These DIY cleaning agents are made at home with ordinary ingredients from the pantry. There’s nothing baking soda can’t do, and removing stains from clothing is one of its strengths. It reduces odour, so if you’ve got a pile of laundry that doesn’t smell right, you know what to do. Additionally, baking soda also makes your regular detergent work harder. Moreover, there’s now a homemade cleaning solution for every household problem, from spills and leaks to scratched up surfaces. So, go ahead and Keep it Simple With These Cleaning Solutions!

Use Lemon as a Cleaning Agent

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An antiseptic and antibacterial solution

There’s just 1 Ingredient to Clean Everything! And it’s right there in your fridge! Great for getting rid of rust, lemon has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It can help remove stubborn stains and get rid of rust from iron. It can also be used to clean a chimney and microwave.

Ways to Remove Stubborn Turmeric Stains

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Smart ways to get turmeric stains off

Since it is used liberally in Indian cuisine, unsightly yellow patches on kitchen counters and cabinets aren’t new to us! Getting rid of turmeric stains may be a major part of your kitchen chores, which can turn to be quite harrowing. A great hack is to use whitening toothpaste to get rid of any left over yellow marks.

We’ve come up with more methods to help you banish turmeric stains using basic ingredients that you’ll easily find in your kitchen. Take a look at : Tackling Turmeric Stains in the Kitchen?

How to Clean House Tip #4: Kitchen Cleaning Guide

How often should you clean your kitchen?

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Get a spotless kitchen like this one

Are you overwhelmed and Tired of Your Dirty Kitchen? So are we! From ceiling to floor, the kitchen has countless structures that need to be cleaned. Therefore, we have divided these daunting tasks into daily, weekly, monthly and annual tasks so you don’t have to despise the process as much!

The sink, hob, countertop and floor should be cleaned on a daily basis. Where as weekly chores include, cleaning of tiles, garbage can, cabinets insides, microwave and towels. Monthly chores include deep cleaning, cabinet handles, taps, countertops and appliances. Lastly, the annual checklist includes cleaning of the chimney, vents and fans as well as disinfecting the plumbing,

Deep Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets

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Remove oil stains and smudges

From chunky grease spots to oil stains, we’ve got the answer for you! If your kitchen cabinetry is made of wood, then drying oils are your best bet to cut through the grease and grime. However, baking soda is a good remedy for laminate and wood cabinets. Avoid using baking soda on metal cabinets. Here are some more natural ways to clean your modules without the risk of damaging the finish of cabinets. How Do you Clean Kitchen Cabinets?

Spots in Your Kitchen You May Have Missed

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Clean your dishcloth and lighting lighting fixtures

Now that we have covered the basics, these tips will help you cover all spots you might have missed like your tackling your kitchen backsplash with rubbing alcohol and washing dishcloths at least once a week. Furthermore, make sure to wipe down lighting fixtures and cabinets. Now that you are familiar with The Right Way to Clean Your Kitchen you are all set to transform your kitchen from cluttered and untidy to as good as new.

How to Clean House Tip #5: Easy Ways to Maintain Furniture

How to Clean Your Light Coloured Sofas

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Maintaining light coloured sofas isn’t as tough as it seems

You have finally convinced yourself that the pretty, light-colored sofa can indeed work in your Indian home, with your lifestyle and family. Taking care of a light color sofa is not an uphill task, as many think it likely. Vacuuming on a regular basis can prevent dust from settling and changing its colour permanently. In case it does, opt for dry cleaning it or wiping it down with hot water and a mild soap. Moreover, with a little caution and mindfulness, these 9 Tips on How to Maintain Light Color Sofas in India! can serve you long and serve you well.

How to Clean Your Wooden Furniture

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Did you know subterranean and drywood termites can damage your wooden interiors?

Termites infest wood and start forming colonies in wood furniture. Therefore, it is very essential to clean and maintain your wooden furniture on a regular basis to keep it from losing sheen. So if you’re confused about dusting, cleaning and waxing your furniture, you might want to read this guide on How to Clean Your Wooden Furniture?
Furthermore, look out for wings, saw dust and incest feces around wood furniture,

How to Clean Upholstered Furniture

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Various fabrics and how to clean them

There are a number of ways to Clean Different Types Of Upholstered Furniture. While upholstered furniture pieces are a haven of comfort, they require proper maintenance and regular care. Here are some handy tips on how to clean different types of upholstered furniture.

Make sure to have these list of things before you get started:

How To Clean Cabinet Hardware

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Prevent hardware from oxidising and rusting

One tiny yet important element in your home are handles. If your cabinet hardware has rust, grime, gunk and grease, you can easily get rid of it instead of buying new ones.

Wooden Handles: Spray with a mild, soapy solution or a mixture of water and vinegar.

Ceramic and Glass Handles: Rub the hardware with a damp rag or For spray with a glass cleaner or a solution of water and vinegar and wipe clean with a newspaper so as to avoid streaking.

Metal Handles:
Soak the hardware in a soapy solution for a few hours or overnight can loosen up and do away with most of the dirt.

Here’s How To Clean Cabinet Hardware like a pro!

How to Clean House Tip #6: Ways to Cleaning Bedding

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Leave your mattress in the sun to kill dust mites

Knowing the right way to clean your bedsheets and mattresses depending on the fabric and the duration it’s been used brings you one step closer to restful sleep. It’s easier to machine wash light-coloured sheets once a week. Whereas, dark-coloured sheets must be hand-washed with cold water. However, mattresses and pillows can be vacuumed, dry cleaned or placed in the sun for a few hours.
Without further ado, take a look at The Complete Guide to Caring for Mattresses & Everything on It.

How to Clean House Tip #7: Efficient Ways to Clean a Bathroom

Basic Bathroom Cleanliness

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Have you wiped down your shower head?

Soak the shower head in undiluted vinegar to get rid of hard water minerals. Whereas, grout can be removed with a mouthwash if a water and vinegar solution is unavailable.

These 7 Super Easy Bathroom Cleaning Tips covers all essential and basic parts of a bathroom that require cleaning. The shower, sink, toilet, countertops, floor and ceiling are just some of the spots that are an absolute must while cleaning.

How to Clean Water Stains and Grout?

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Get down and dirty to remove grout

Hard water and grime can be tough spots to clean. Moreover, grout is usually a mixture of water, sand, and cement that keeps tiles in place and they tend to collect dirt quickly if not cleaned regularly. So, now that you know what grout is, here’s how you clean it.
Make a solution with baking soda and water, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar or ammonia and get to scraping.
Here’s how you can Clean Water Stains And Grout Lines Easily With Our Tips.

What’s Making Your Bathroom Look Dirty?

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Stained mirrors can make a bathroom look unkempt

Most times you could be doing all the right things but you still can’t figure out Why Does Your Bathroom Look Dirty? It could be too many buckets, stained mirrors and hardware or dirty grout,
Take a look at how you can fix them in 5 minutes!

How to Get Rid of Odour?

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Get rid of pungent odors in your bathroom

Bathroom odours are a big turn off whether you’re using it or have guests over. You can use baking soda, lemon, vinegar, essential oils and desiccants to solve the problem. Here are 5 Ways to Tackle Bathroom Odour Naturally so that your bathroom not only looks clean, but also smells clean!

How to Clean House Tip #8: Cleaning Tips for a Pooja Room

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Learn how to remove stubborn oil stains

The centre of all energy, the pooja room in a house is a place of peace and worship. This room often sees plenty of footfall and bustling activity. Therefore, keeping it clean all year round is an absolute must. Using salt and vinegar with a slice of lemon can clean copper idols. A dab of toothpaste can make your silver utensils shine bright like a diamond. Scrubbing brass idols with a slice of lemon can bring back its sheen. Lastly, a baking soda and water solution can clean marble floors. Be it copper or brass elements, silver utensils or marble floors, we tell you How to Clean Your Pooja Room with easy peasy home remedies!

How to Clean House Tip #9: Garden Cleaning Tips

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Try to remove weeds on your own

Now that you can spend more time in your garden, you can kick start the cleaning process. A great way to keep your home garden looking fresh is to move things around. Make sure you rearrange the pots every now and then and so that your garden looks new. Also, remove any broken pots and replace them with new ones. This will ensure that your garden does not look overcrowded.Wondering How to Keep Gardens Clean? Here’s a quick guide to giving your garden a fresh start.

How to Clean House Tip #10: Right Way to Clean Materials

How to Clean & Maintain Laminate Surfaces

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Prevent scratches and keep the sheen of laminates

From furniture to flooring, laminates are among the most widely used materials in interior decor. In these quick tips to clean laminate surfaces, we cover care and cleaning essentials so that you can keep them beautiful and make them last longer. 

Laminate Flooring: A damp (not wet) microfiber mop will not only pick up all the dirt, it will also need less water, which is good, because too much exposure to water can warp the laminate flooring.

Laminate Furniture: Use a soft sponge or slightly dampened cloth. Avoid varnish, wax or polish for laminate furniture.

Laminate Kitchen Cabinets: Use a sponge and a solution of warm water and dish wash soap to get clean stubborn greasy spots. A plastic brush should work well for nooks and crannies. Do remember to dry the surface immediately.

Let’s learn How to Clean & Maintain Laminate Surfaces.

How To Clean Distemper Painted Walls?

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Cost effective and easy to maintain wall paint

Distemper paint is a substance made of whitewash made of water, chalk, and pigment, and it is often bound with an animal-based glue. If you have this cost effective paint option in your home, it is most likely to wear out. It’s best to know what equipment, products and methods are required to restore your walls. Click here on How To Clean Distemper Painted Walls so they can be restored.

How To Clean Hardwood Flooring?

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Keep in mind these tips to maintain hardwood flooring

With a lot of people opting for hardwood flooring now, figuring out How To Clean Hardwood Flooring is on every homeowner’s mind. It requires plenty of protection and is susceptible to scratches. However, this guide will help you remove oil stains with hydrogen peroxide, water stains by placing a cotton cloth and ironing over the stain and wine stains with bleach.

How to Clean House Tip #11: For Different Personalities

Cleaning Tips for Lazy People

Cleaning days are often postponed, especially by self-proclaimed lazy people who feel it’s an overwhelming amount of work– until now, that is. We’ve put together a few reliable cleaning tips for lazy people that are guaranteed to leave you with a clean home, without breaking a sweat. For example, add some freshly-squeezed lemon juice into a glass bowl full of water. Place it in the microwave on high power for about three minutes. The water bursts out of the bowl, soaking the interior of the microwave– just wipe it down with a soft cloth after 5 minutes and you’re all set. So, get Off the Couch and Into a Clean Home with These Tips!

Cleaning Tips for Busy People

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Segregate clothes into keep and discard piles

If there’s one thing worse than finding a slot for cleaning every day, it’s going through the pile-up of tasks at the end of the month or season. If all this sounds familiar, we’ve got you covered. So, cover furniture that is not in use and break up big tasks into 15 minutes chores that can be done easily. Read all this and more here, Too Busy to Clean?

Cleaning Tips for Neat Freaks

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Make a decision to clean up

If you enjoy putting things in its place and creating a germ-free environment, Start Using These Cleaning Tips Right Now. The following tricks are sure to help you get better at cleaning. However, this is one of the most important house cleaning ideas. Spend a few minutes to figure out the supplies you’ll need, and gather them before you start cleaning. You may also want to place it all in the centre of the room, as cleaning time is drastically reduced when you’re not scrambling for your rags, paper towels and garbage bags.

If you found this article helpful, here’s a bonus hack 7 Ways to Cover Up Ugly Wires.

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