Air purifier

Of late, it has been proven that the air inside our homes is more polluted than the outdoors. That puts us at risk for several lifestyle and respiratory illnesses. Considering how much time we spend indoors, it would be a good call to invest in an air purifier. If you live in a city like New Delhi, it goes without saying that an air purifier is a basic necessity. So here’s what you need to know before you purchase an air purifier.

Do you need an air purifier?

If polluted air has begun affecting your sleep, breathing and general well-being, or even if you have allergies, you should certainly invest in an air purifier that can eliminate airborne allergens like dust, pollen, particulate matter, chemical pollutants, animal hair and so on.

What size purifier do you need?

Air purifiers are bought based on the coverage area (square footage) of the room you need it in. Measure your room and ensure you select a purifier that is equal to or exceeds the capacity of the given room. We recommend getting one for the rooms you spend most time in, like your bedroom. The price will also vary depending on its capacity.

According to Livspace designer Sahil Suri, “There are air purifiers in the market that cost around ₹9-10,000 which will suit 1 bedroom, in terms of capacity. There are also air purifiers that are bigger in size for a whole living/dining area that cost above ₹20,000. Tonnage is estimated based on the room size and capacity. You can buy one purifier and move it around according to your need.“

Features to look for

You should figure out if the machine you have your eyes on has HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, which are the best in the market. While it is an expensive choice, it’s your best in terms of separating pollutants from the air. There are several brands and models that come with separate washable filters too.

Air purifier

Optimum Usage

Figure out the purifier’s air changes per hour (ACH rate). This refers to the number of times the machine can purify that volume of air within an hour. Match this number to the size of your room to narrow down the model of the purifier.


If you don’t have washable filters, upkeep usually involves replacing the filters of the unit. Check on how many filter changes you will need in a year and how much that will cost you. Ensure you turn it off when you’re not using it. You can also add to the longevity by maintaining clean interiors.

You can also opt for more features like filter replacement indicator, night mode, smartphone control, remote control and more! You can also control humidity or opt for allergy-specific filters. While this does sound like a fun new gadget to invest in, it’s also a wake-up call to treat our environment with more care.

Let us know if you found these tips useful at the email ID given below. Additionally, you can check out these tips to maintaining cleaner air at home.
